pp108 : Viewing Task Status in the Inbox

Viewing Task Status in the Inbox

This topic describes the procedure to monitor the various states of tasks in an inbox and explains the features present in the Overview option.

Before you begin this task:
Only a Work List Manager, Team Lead, or a user with a specific Role will have the option of viewing the target overview, using the Overview tab in My Inbox. For information on setting manager permissions, refer to creating a work list and providing the manage permissions to a role. A target in this context refers to a Work List, Team, or a Role.

The Overview tab displays statistics based on the status of various tasks that reflect the workloads of a target; it also provides a view of the workload on each user associated to the target. This enables the respective managers to assess the progress of the tasks in their targets.
As a work list manager, team lead, or a user with a specific role, you can view the status of various tasks as well as have a consolidated view of the tasks taken up by different members of your target in the Overview tab of ‘My Inbox’. After opening the Overview page, you can select the target in the left pane. The overview of the corresponding target will be displayed along with a user-level breakdown of tasks in the right pane.

Target (Work list/Team/User) Overview:

The overview provides a graphical representation of various states of the tasks against their count. You can have a consolidated view on the progress of tasks in that target. You can also set the states for which the graphical representation is to be displayed. Preferences on which states to be displayed by default are saved when the page is closed, and is automatically loaded when you open the page the next time. By default, when the Inbox page is opened for the first time or if no preference is set earlier, the tasks in 'Completed' state are not displayed.

The User level breakdown of tasks section provides the following:

  • For a Work List - provides the breakdown of all the teams in the work list. On selecting each team, it further displays the user-level breakdown.
  • For a team or a role - provides the breakdown of the tasks of all the users belonging to a team or a specific role.

The Overview option enables you to reallocate the tasks and balance the workload within the target. Based on the data, you can also decide if you need to add or delete more teams or users to the target to balance the workload.